How To Teach Preschoolers and Kindergartners about money

  1. Use a transparent piggy bank so they can see their savings.
  2. Teach them the coins and bills.
  3. Let them pay – take a small amount from their piggy bank and let them use it to buy something at the store.
  4. Explain the value of coupons.

How to Teach Elementary and Middle Schoolers About Money

  1. Explain what “opportunity cost” means.
  2. Explain “wants” and “needs”.
  3. Put them on the payroll. Instead of an allowance, pay them for their chores. Tie earned money to an activity. 
  4. Introduce 3 buckets: spend, save, share.
  5. Explain how credit cards and debit cards work. 

How To Teach Teenagers About Money

  1. Identify personal goals (immediate, within 3 months to 3 years, 3 years+) and teach how to budget and save for these.
  2. Establish a bank account (limited balance) and give them a debit card.
  3. Discuss credit cards and interest chargers and calculate the cost of revolving debt.
  4. Explain the power of compounding and calculate the future value of your current savings.