457(b) Plans

There are two different 457(b) retirement plans: the 457(b) Governmental and the 457(b) Tax-Exempt Organization (Non-Church). 457(b) plans are independent of 403(b) or 401(k) plans; therefore, employees can maximize both plan contribution limits in a single year....

401(k) and 403(b) Plans

401(k) & 403(b) Plans 401(k) and 403(b) plans are the two plans held by many of the American employees who are enrolled in retirement plans. In terms of a 401(k), what’s the difference between a Roth 401(k) and a traditional 401(k)? According to Charles...

Group Disability Insurance Info

Did you know that typically, short-term disability covers 60% of your paycheck for up to 6 months? Read more about the basics of group disability insurance from Mike Smith at CPS Horizon Financial so that you can feel prepared before renewing your benefits. For more...

Group Life Insurance Tips

Finding out what happens to your group term insurance after you retire is essential when renewing your benefits and determining the best course of action for your insurance plans. Take a look at more helpful tips for figuring out your group life insurance below from...

FSA Medical Information

On day 4 of benefits month, we’re covering FSA’s for Medical Insurance that can help you pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars. It’s important to note that generally, the money in your FSA must be used within the plan year....