On day 4 of benefits month, we’re covering FSA’s for Medical Insurance that can help you pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars. It’s important to note that generally, the money in your FSA must be used within the plan year.


FSA Medical Information Overview


  • FSA for medical can be used with low-or high-deductible health insurance plans
  • FSA is an employer owned account; which means you forfeit the balance if you don’t use it
  • Generally, you must use the money in your FSA within the plan year. Some employers may offer two options:
    • Provide a “grace period’ of up to 2 1/2 extra months to use the money in your FSA
    • Allow you to carry over up to $550 per year to use in the following year
      • Note, your employer is not required to offer these options
  • Contributions to an FSA can only be completed via payroll. Contributions are excluded from payroll tax and income tax
  • 2021 contribution limit is $2,750. The 2022 limit is not available yet
  • Cannot invest funds
  • Eligible medical expense withdrawals are tax-free
  • FSA funds can be used to pay certain out-of-pocket qualified medical expenses